警报 allows our buy-side clients to set up or edit accounts and maintain the SSIs associated with those accounts. 维持你的ssi, you can either link your accounts to a set of existing instructions via the “model” process, or SSI maintenance can be handled by Global Custodian (GC) Direct enabled global custodians and prime brokers. Account access can be restricted to only those broker-dealers with whom you actively trade, and your permissioned broker-dealers are notified of your instruction changes by the electronic Alerting process within 警报. You can also retrieve broker-dealer SSIs online when needed.
警报 helps to facilitate the communication of a wide range of settlement instructions to our sell-side clients. You receive updates to settlement instructions from the buy- side via the electronic Alerting process within 警报. You can also retrieve settlement instructions on a trade-by-trade basis through enrichment within the Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) service suite. To further expedite processing, broker internal account numbers (BIAs) can be cross-referenced with buy-side accounts which ensures you retrieve alerts that pertain to your specific accounts.
警报 for Custodian Banks and Prime Brokers
使用警报 GC Direct, custodian banks and prime brokers can electronically manage settlement instructions through 警报 on behalf of their buy-side clients. This enhanced custodian and prime broker access enables them to become the owner and maintainer of SSIs using dedicated ISO 20022 compliant messages. The automated exchange of SSIs between a custodian’s central repository and the 警报 host ensures sensitive settlement data is secure. Future effective SSI updates can also be managed so custodian banks and prime brokers can proactively update their buy-side clients of pending market changes.